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You can always reach us by using the contact page to ask your questions. We will send you an answer as soon as possible.

Support team

We try to process every support request as soon as possible. Usually, you will receive a detailed answer in the next few minutes or hours, and if necessary—with screenshots and step by step instructions. Requests of registered users are given the top priority. We guarantee that you will receive a response within three business days. Febooti wins for Service Excellence!

Automation Workshop

Command Line Email




Please do not hesitate to contact our support team. For faster problem solution, please include the following information:

  • Order-ID (for registered users).
  • Product name and version.
  • Operating system name and version.
  • Full problem description.
  • Step by step instructions on how to repeat the problem.
  • Any other information you think will help us faster to solve your issue.

Universally available

Our software solutions work smoothly on all modern 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft Windows versions: Windows 10 · Windows 11 · Server 2016 · Server 2019 · Server 2022.

Older Windows versions (such as Windows 8 and Server 2008) are not "officially" supported but should still work remarkably well. The underlying architecture of Windows is evolving and our apps are crafted to be backward and forward compatible.