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How to send mail using TO, CC (Carbon Copy) and BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) recipients?

CC (Carbon Copy): recipients of a message are the persons you are sending to the primary recipient. CC recipients receive the message normally, but they do not see themselves as the primary recipient of the message (all CC recipients are listed in the message header).

BCC (Blind Carbon Copy): if you do not want the TO recipient to know that the message is also sent to somebody else, use BCC. This may be helpful when it is necessary to send a notifying message to a huge group of people.


An example of a simple mail message using CC argument:

febootimail -FROM tim@example.net -TO emily@example.com -TEXT Command line mail with Carbon Copy -CC smith@example.org

An example with BCC argument:

febootimail -FROM tim@example.net -TO emily@example.com -TEXT Message with Blind Carbon Copy -BCC smith@example.org


In the example above, a localhost is used as an SMTP mail server. Usually, it is required to specify the SMTP server manually using an SMTP argument. Server authentication is performed with AUTH, USER, and PASS arguments. An example with authentication:

febootimail -FROM tim@example.net -TO emily@example.com -TEXT Server auth and multiple carbon copies -CC smith@example.org -BCC johnny@example.org -SMTP mail.example.com -AUTH AUTO -USER tim_23 -PASS GFd#s4fx@Jkq

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