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Since the availability of the Automation Workshop app, it is recommended to use it, instead of the Command Line Email app. In Automation Workshop you can create a task that executes the tasklist command using Execute Script Action, and then send it by email using Send Email Action. More Automation Tutorials are available.

When started, each application on a Windows based computer has its own processes. Using the Windows Task Manager it is possible to view the list of running applications and processes on the local PC. Sometimes it is useful to be able to save a list of running processes in a text format and automatically email it to a specific email address. A simple batch file can do that!


This example shows a basic concept on how to retrieve any application output and send it via email. For example, a network administrator can ensure that a particular process is running on a server. The following example demonstrates how to create a batch file that will email a list of running processes at a given time. It will be scheduled so that it runs every hour.


Create a new task using the Windows Task Scheduler that runs the batch file every 1 hour.

@echo off

rem Gather a list of applications
tasklist >proclist.txt

rem Sending an email with the process list attached...
febootimail -SERVER email.example.com -FROM data@example.com -TO admin@example.com -SUBJECT "List of requested server processes." -ATTACH proclist.txt

rem Clean-up...
del proclist.txt >NUL


The tasklist command retrieves a list of running processes, and stores it in the proclist.txt file.

febootimail sends the list to the Administrator.

SERVER sets an outgoing mail server.

FROM specifies who is sending the email.

TO is the recipient of the email.

SUBJECT defines the subject of the message.

ATTACH adds the list of processes to the email.

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