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The primary focus of this example is to show a generic solution that can be used across a variety of applications in conjunction with the Command Line Email tool.


Reports can be generated from any application and sent by email to the appropriate recipient. The reporting application in this context can be defined as an application that accepts some input, then processes them and generates some form of output. This can be anything from a simple batch file to a complex corporate business application.

@echo off

rem Launch report-application.exe with 2 parameters...
report-application.exe input.txt output.txt

rem Send an email with reports...
febootimail -SERVER smtp.example.com -FROM rep@application.local -TO results@example.com -SUBJECT App report -ATTACH output.txt


Process of sending an email report:

The first line executes the report application. It is assumed that the application takes an input file as the first parameter and produces the report output.txt.

The second line calls febootimail to send out an email.

The SERVER argument indicates an SMTP server address.

The FROM, TO, SUBJECT and ATTACH arguments are self-explanatory.

A quick look

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