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Collection of articles provides information on various aspects of using and troubleshooting Command Line Email utility. Documentation categories cover different issues, starting from the very basics of creating batch files and moving forward to growing complexity of using the advanced scripting techniques.


Command Line Email supports all necessary commands that allow great flexibility on how to send email. Usually, you need just a few simple commands: FROM, TO, TEXT, SUBJ, ATTACH, SMTP, AUTH (+USER and PASS) and optionally SSL that ensures the connection and data safety.

febootimail -FROM james.green@example.com -TO ted@example.net -TEXT Sending very simple SSL email from DOS with Word attachment -SUBJ My first email with attachment -ATTACH c:\file\summary.docx -SMTP smtp.example.com -AUTH AUTO -USER john -PASS jg#465@2 -SSL

When sending email from the command line, all arguments can be used in any order. It is totally up to you on how to organize the command sequence.

Basic examples


Email integration

Email commands

List of all supported email commands with a brief description. Click on the command to view full details and parameter requirements, including usage examples.

Command & Aliases Description
SMTP server name or IP address. By default, localhost is used.
-PORT SMTP server port number. By default, the port 587 is used.
-TO Destination email address or list of recipients, separated by comma or semicolon.
-TONAME Friendly name of the email recipient.
Sending the same email to many recipients at once, yet a separate email is delivered to each individual recipient.
-CC Carbon Copy email address or list of recipients, separated by comma or semicolon.
-BCC Blind Carbon Copy email address or list of recipients, separated by comma or semicolon.
Text of the email message.
Separate email text with line breaks into paragraphs.
Enable pictograms (aka smileys) in an email body and subject, by converting text emoticons to emoji Unicode characters.
-FROM Email address of the sender.
-FROMNAME Sender friendly name.
Subject of a message.
-REPLYTO Reply To email address.
-REPLYTONAME Reply To friendly name.
Attachment of the email. Multiple files, file masks and wildcards are supported.
-IAE Ignore any errors related to email attachments, such as Access denied, Sharing violation, etc. Alternate name: IGNOREATTACHERRORS
Take value from a text file. This argument can be used with any other parameter.
Use predefined arguments from the configuration file.
-AUTH SMTP authentication method. AUTO command enables automatic detection of an authentication method.
SMTP user name.
SMTP password.
-SSL Use secure connection to SSL enabled SMTP server.
-STARTTLS Establish secure connection to the server with STARTTLS extension.
-TLS Select the version of Transport Layer Security to use when establishing secure connections.
-ITE Ignore any errors in the certificate and central authority validation. Connection is still secure, however validation is skipped. Alternate name: IGNORETLSERRORS
-HELO Uses a custom greeting text for SMTP server.
-HEADER Add custom tags to the email header.
-NOXMAILER Remove X-Mailer header from the email.
Add a custom email identifier to the Message-ID header.
-NOID Remove the Message-ID header.
-MIME Use MIME encoding.
-HTML Specifies that the email body is HTML.
-HTMLFILE Specify HTML file as an email message. Automatically embeds images.
-TESTHTML Send a test HTML message.
-CHARSET Text encoding of the email message.
-PRIORITY Priority of the email.
-COMMENT Comment of the email.
Organization field of the email.
-PRECEDENCE Precedence of mass email.
Request Recipient to send a reading confirmation.
-DIAL Auto-connect to the Internet using dial-up modem.
-IP Bind an IP address.
-TIMEOUT Set the connection timeout.
-WAITBEFORE Adds a delay before the mail sending.
-WAITAFTER Adds a delay after the mail is sent.
-HIDE Hides console window immediately.
Suppress screen output.
Shows internal variables and mail server responses.
Shows comprehensive information on a communication session between the Command Line Email client and SMTP server.
-SAVEEML Save a composed message to an .eml file instead of sending it.
-OPENEML Send a message using an .eml file.
-LOG Log email sending events.
Log only the successfully sent email history.
Log only the failed email sending attempts.
Displays result in a message window.
Opens an ordering page.
Opens the home page.
Force check for updates.
Suppress the update check.
Register Command Line Email from the console.
Opens this online help.
Displays a help screen in the DOS console.


Some commands are mandatory. For example, it is not possible to send an email without a recipient, and without specifying a From address. The last thing required to send an email is an outgoing email server (by default the localhost is used). View simple a example:

febootimail -FROM joe@example.com -TO lucas@example.net -TEXT "Email message using Febooti Command Line Email. It is easy!"

In most cases you need to specify an outgoing mail server address using -SMTP or -SERVER argument. If your server requires authentication, use -AUTH, -USER and -PASS arguments to specify the authentication method, username and password, respectively.

febootimail -FROM joe@example.com -TO lucas@example.net -TEXT "Email which uses SMTP and AUTH methods to send mail from Windows command prompt!" -SMTP server.example.com -USERNAME Joe -PASSWORD ******** -AUTH AUTO

Command Line Email

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