The TEXT (or BODY or MSG or MESSAGE) parameter allows you to specify the text of the email message. Since the textual part of email messages seldom contains only one line, it is likely that the TEXT argument will be often supplemented by the USEFILE argument, that provides the possibility to use a plain text file as a message text. Alternatively, the ENTER command can be used to split text into multiple lines.
Command syntax
- febootimail -TEXT "This is an email text"
- febootimail -BODY -USEFILE "email-body.txt"
- febootimail -TEXT Hello! -TEXT -USEFILE message.txt -TEXT Bye!
When using the USEFILE argument, a message text may be preformatted in your favorite text editor application, saved as a plain text file and then sent through Command Line Email without losing the formatting (i.e., line feeds, tab stops etc.).
The TEXT command can be used multiple times on a single command line. This allows you to add text fragments in multiple steps. Example given below shows how to send an email, combining a header and a footer with the message text itself, so that there is no need to provide a standardized header and a signature text each time for each email.
febootimail -SERVER -FROM -TO -TEXT -USEFILE header.txt -TEXT Sending an email with predefined greeting and signature -TEXT -USEFILE footer.txt
TEXT specifies alternate text, if used together with the HTMLFILE argument. Alternate text is used for email clients that are unable to display HTML email.
Related commands
- -ENTER or -CR
Quick look
- Quick start · start sending the CMD email in minutes
- Tips & Tricks · a few quick email tricks
- Email attachments · use simple wildcards or advanced file masks to attach multiple files
- Debug email client-server connection · use DEBUG and advanced DEBUGX commands
- Parameter substitution using USEFILE and CONFIG · use a text file as any parameter
- Batch file & errorlevels · errorlevel values can be used in conditional processing
- Command Line Email parameters · see all email commands
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