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REPLYTONAME argument allows specifying a friendly name of reply recipient instead of just an address e.g., John Doe versus john24@dr.example.com. In that way, a replying user knows to whom he replies, since the recipient of the reply is not necessarily the person who sent the original message.

Command syntax

  • febootimail -REPLYTONAME John Doe

Note that using REPLYTONAME, requires using the REPLYTO argument as well.

febootimail -SERVER smtp.example.com -FROM sales@example.com -REPLYTO support@example.com -REPLYTONAME Support Department -TO anastasia@example.com -MESSAGE "Send email from CMD with a reply name specified"

Alternatively, it is possible to specify a friendly address using REPLYTO argument:
-REPLYTO "John Doe <john24@dr.example.com>"

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