The HELO command specifies that a custom HELO greeting text will be used upon initiating a client and server connection session. By default, the computer name is used by the Command Line Email client when connecting to an SMTP server.
Command syntax
- febootimail -HELO John-PC.corp.local
- febootimail -HELO "DOS Mailer"
febootimail -SERVER -FROM -TO -TEXT Sending an email with custom helo greeting from the command line -HELO "my-pc.local"
The mail client uses the HELO command to identify itself upon connecting to the server. For the ESMTP connections, greeting is sent automatically as an EHLO command. Typically, an SMTP server greets a client with the code 220, and the HELO command is sent back.
Related commands
Quick look
- Quick start · start sending the CMD email in minutes
- Tips & Tricks · a few quick email tricks
- Email attachments · use simple wildcards or advanced file masks to attach multiple files
- Debug email client-server connection · use DEBUG and advanced DEBUGX commands
- Parameter substitution using USEFILE and CONFIG · use a text file as any parameter
- Batch file & errorlevels · errorlevel values can be used in conditional processing
- Command Line Email parameters · see all email commands
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