The DEBUG or D command displays the febootimail internal variables. This allows to compare actual configuration with all command line parameters. In the situations when the command line input comes from the other app, and that input is dynamic, the DEBUG command line switch allows pinpoint the problem cause.
Command syntax
- febootimail -DEBUG
- febootimail -D
All SMTP server responses are shown, allowing to check if there are no problems with remote machine. Also, responses of the server are logged such as 220 Service is ready
, 221 SMTP is closing the connection
, 354 start the message input
, etc.
febootimail -SERVER -FROM -TO -TEXT A simple email debugging -DEBUG
Console output
- To save the console output to a file, add >output.txt at the end of the command line.
- To append the console output to a file, add >>output-append.txt at the end.
Related commands
SMTP troubleshooting
- SMTP server configuration in email clients
- Additional email service provider SMTP settings
- Enable Google App passwords for SMTP
- Allow less secure apps. What does it mean?
Quick look
- Quick start · start sending the CMD email in minutes
- Tips & Tricks · a few quick email tricks
- Email attachments · use simple wildcards or advanced file masks to attach multiple files
- Parameter substitution using USEFILE and CONFIG · use a text file as any parameter
- Batch file & errorlevels · errorlevel values can be used in conditional processing
- Command Line Email parameters · see all email commands
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