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Video · A video tutorial showcasing how to configure an automated Task in Windows that temporarily halts a service during backup or maintenance activities. The tutorial covers:

  • Stopping a service.
  • Running a custom script.
  • Sending an email with the attached script log.
  • Restarting the service.

Also, the video explains situations where another program does backups or maintenance at certain times. In these cases, Automation Workshop stops the service. This helps avoid problems with locked files or files that are not fully saved.

The intuitive interface with Task creation and configuration Wizards will lead you through the Task design process without requiring scripting skills or preliminary training. It is easy to automate anything and anywhere with this no-code automation platform.

Tools used…


How automation works? A 90-second journey.

Universally available

Advanced job scheduler—Automation Workshop works flawlessly on all modern 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft Windows versions: Windows 10 · Windows 11 · Server 2016 · Server 2019 · Server 2022.

Older Windows versions (such as Windows 8 and Server 2012) are not "officially" supported but should still work remarkably well. The underlying architecture of Windows is evolving and our apps are crafted to be backward and forward compatible.