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Thomas UnderwoodBy Thomas Underwood 🕢 Updated on January 3, 2024 at 7:30 am

Thank you for downloading the Demo Task! Whether the Task has been provided by support, retrieved from a backup, or acquired through other external means, it's just a few clicks away from being imported and activated. After import, the Task will be set in a disabled state, ensuring you maintain full control over its activation.

YouTube video · Importing a Task

How to?

From the Automation Workshop main window choose the Import… option from the File menu. Or access the Context menu from the Task Pane.

Automation Workshop File menu, Import…
Import Task…

This will open Import Task Wizard. Now, you are just one click away! Click Begin

Task Import Wizard
Import a Task…

Navigate to the folder, where you have extracted the demo Task file. Select it, and click Open

Task Import Wizard done
Task is ready for review…

The Task successfully imported! You can click Review to access all settings now. Or, simply click Done to close this window. Remember that you can always review, modify, and tune the Task later by accessing Task Properties.

Automation Workshop Task Pane, Demo task
Task imported successfully…

Notice the new Task in Task Pane. Tasks are imported in disabled state, to prevent accidental automatic Task execution · Task's state explained

Final touch…

Now it is good time to review the Task—open Task Properties, review & adjust necessary Triggers and Actions. Finally, to allow automatic execution, simply enable the Task.


During the Task import process, a new copy of the Task is created inside Automation Workshop. The Task file in the source location can be safely deleted.

Alternatively, it is possible to automatically import a Task using API. This is particularly useful when your external app or script is directly modifying or adjusting the Task XML file.

To deploy a Task multiple servers simultaneously the Task Push feature comes in handy. There are various Remote Operations available to import, run, enable, disable, or delete Tasks on remote servers that may be located on your LAN or other data centers.

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