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Automation Workshop consists of two structural parts, the Automation Workshop User Interface and the Service. While user interface provides all options to create, modify and delete Tasks, view log files and so on, the actual performance of Automation Workshop is granted by its Service.

In other words, interface serves as configuration utility for setting up Automation Workshop Service. This structure allows for optimized resource use and extremely high automation performance efficiency.


Service, on the other hand, runs invisibly in background even when no user is logged into the system. Among operations performed by Service are: watching files and folders, scheduling Tasks and monitoring other Triggers as well as unattended execution of automated Tasks, logging Task execution details and sending email reports when necessary.

Assuming the Tasks are designed and configured properly, Service can perform them without user supervision for extended period of time. Meanwhile, the user can always consult log files and receive automated email notifications to ensure that Automation Workshop is fully operational.


Automation Workshop Service is additionally monitored by Service Guard for increased reliability. In case some unexpected error occurs with the Service, Service Guard automatically restores Service functionality thus efficiently minimizing the risk of accidental halt of automated processes.

Use Operations Manager to see current Service Guard status. The following automation Services can be found in the processes list:

  • AutomationWorkshopAgent.exe
  • AutomationWorkshopService.exe
  • AutomationWorkshopServiceGuard.exe

Note that the AutomationWorkshopAgent process is created for each new user (unique) session including the SYSTEM user. Typical memory consumption for logged in users is about 5–10MB, and about 1MB for inactive.


Default TCP/IP port used by Febooti Automation Workshop for establishing connection between Manager and Service is 36524 (febooti-aw).



  • API · control the Service using API-like interface.
  • List of Service Events · each operation performed by Automation Workshop Service has a particular Event ID, which allows easy identification of involved event.
  • Service uptime is retrievable from any Action by using Service uptime value in Service group from Internal category in Variable Wizard.

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