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MAC address (Network category in Variable Wizard) option returns physical address of the specified network adapter. Media Access Control address (MAC address) is unique hardware identifier that consists of 12 hexadecimal digits.

Network device Choose network device whose MAC address will be returned.
Separator Specify the separator character for formatting the physical address of network card.
  • - (Dashes) · separates each value by a dash.
  • - (Dash) · splits MAC address in two parts separated by dash.
  • : (Colon) · separates each value by a colon character.
  • : (Colon compact) · omits spare zero part of MAC address.
  • . (Dot) · splits MAC address in three parts separated by dot.
  • None · returns continuous physical address value.
Preview Shows MAC address of selected network adapter.
  • 90-0A-84-24-0B-76
  • 900A84-240B76
  • 90:0A:84:24:0B:76
  • 90:A:84:24:B:76
  • 900A.8424.0B76
  • 900A84240B76
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