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The Move Remote File Action can relocate files on a remote server from one directory to another.

After the Move Remote File Action is completed, the information on its operations is temporarily stored in dynamic variables that can be retrieved by any other Action within the same Task via Variable Wizard. For example, these variables can be saved as text by Write to File Action, emailed to admin by Send Email Action or used as dynamic parameters in other Actions.

Last destination file Returns the new path and name of the moved file. If the Destination was provided as a directory name (not a specific file), then the same directory value is returned here.
  • /bucket/2025/
  • /bucket/2023/b2b.xlsx
  • /bucket/example-folder
Last source file Returns the former path and name of the moved file. When working with a list of files, it is not always possible to access the list of files that was actually moved on the remote server, for example, when using the SCP protocol and filename wildcards. As a consequence, the file list provided in the input field is returned instead.
  • /bucket/current/b2b.xlsx
  • /bucket/current/*.xlsx
Completion statusRetrieve Action execution status with a possible value—Successful or Failed. Or Empty, if Action has not been executed yet.
Adjust()Streamline creation of Task workflows even further—instantly make quick variable adjustments such as in-place replacement (all, first, or last occurrence), trimming (whitespaces, quotes, etc.), or changing capitalization. Optionally, set a different display name.

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