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Overview of SFTP Watcher. The SFTP Watcher monitors file and folder changes in a remote directory on an SFTP server. SFTP Watcher relies on the Connect to SFTP Action that establishes connection with the SFTP server.

Directory to watch The path to directory on SFTP server in which file or folder changes will be monitored · See return values
Include mask If other than *.* mask, only files and directories that match file mask will be monitored for changes. Multiple, pipe-separated file masks are supported · Learn file masks and wildcards.

While the Upload File and Download File Actions support Linux-style file masks and wildcards, this Trigger supports only Windows wildcards.

The Exclude functionality allows for bypassing files and folders using specific names, wildcards, and multi-mask configurations.
Also, watch in subdirectories SFTP Watcher will monitor for changes not only in specified directory, but also in its subdirectories.
Monitor files Watch for new, existing, modified and deleted files.
Monitor directories Watch for new, existing, modified and deleted directories.
Use connection SFTP Watcher relies on the Connect to SFTP Action to establish connection with SFTP server. If multiple Connect to SFTP Actions are used in the Task, user can choose which connection will be used to watch for file and directory changes.
Advanced Choose advanced connection settings to select Actions to perform before connecting to SFTP server to monitor remote files and directories.
YouTube video · Zip files automatically


  • SFTP Watcher integration and auditing—Variables (dynamic data) and Events (recorded activity). Leverage presets to access filenames, absolute/relative paths, and craft custom variables from path components with ease, utilizing our intuitive and ready-made presets.

    Connection to an SFTP server generates comprehensive event logs, capturing server fingerprints, statuses, and file system activities. Additionally, failure events are recorded, enabling precise identification of issues.

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