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Exclude FTP files and directories from processing by using the exclude options. Specify them by exact names or use wildcards for broader selection. This works for both files and entire directory structures, including subdirectories · Learn file masks and wildcards

Exclude mask Define file exclusions using complete filenames or patterns with wildcard characters. The asterisk * represents any number of characters, while the question mark ? substitutes a single character. This allows you to match multiple files with similar names or extensions.

To specify multiple patterns, separate them with the vertical bar | character.
  • *.zip
  • *.tmp | *.log | draft_*.*
  • 2024-??-??.pdf | ??-??-2024.pdf
Exclude directories Exclude specific directories or use wildcard patterns to omit multiple folders. The asterisk * matches any sequence of characters in a directory name, while the question mark ? represents a single character.

To exclude multiple directories or subdirectories, use the pipe | character as a separator. This exclude feature also supports excluding complex paths with multiple subdirectories · Learn folder masks and wildcards
  • my_directory
  • marketing/old_campaigns | marketing/*/drafts
  • records-2024-?? | records-2025-??

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