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Use the exclude options to prevent specific files and directories (objects and prefixes) on Amazon S3 from being processed. Specify exact filenames, directory names, or use wildcards for broader matching. This includes files and complete directory structures with all subdirectories · Learn file masks and wildcards

Exclude mask Specify file/object exclusions in your S3 bucket by entering complete file names or utilizing wildcard patterns. The asterisk * wildcard matches any sequence of characters, while the question mark ? represents a single character. This enables you to exclude groups of objects with similar names or extensions.

To specify multiple exclusion patterns, use the vertical bar | as a delimiter.
  • *.zip
  • *.tmp | *.log | draft_*.*
  • 2024-??-??.pdf | ??-??-2024.pdf
Exclude directories Configure directory/prefix exclusions using exact names or wildcard patterns. The asterisk * wildcard matches multiple characters in a directory name, while the question mark ? stands in for a single character.

For multiple directory or subdirectory exclusions separate your entries with the pipe | symbol. This filter supports excluding complex directory/prefix paths that represent multiple levels of folders · Learn folder masks and wildcards
  • my_directory
  • data/old | data/*/drafts
  • records-2024-?? | records-2025-??

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