Task Wizard is the tool that leads user through job creation process step-by-step. On each step user is either provided with essential information or asked to specify Task relevant parameters.
After a Welcome page, Task Wizard allows specifying Triggers, Actions and configuring Task associated email report settings. Task creation is concluded by giving the Task a name and, finally, the Finish page confirms Task creation and provides options to modify Task's advanced settings.
- Welcome · Provides information about Task design concept.
- Triggers · Allows adding, editing and removing Triggers (automatic execution conditions).
- Actions · Allows adding, editing and removing Task Actions (instructions to be performed).
- Run As · Allows specifying which user account to use to run the Task when some user is logged in and which one when no user is logged in.
- Reports · Allows configuring Task related email report options.
- Task · Asks for Task name and description. Enable access from Tray Icon.
- Finish · Informs user on successful Task creation and provides access to Advanced options.
- Getting started · Automation Workshop basic concepts explained.
- Tutorials · simple and advanced automation examples.
- Videos · Windows automation video demos and tutorials.
- Automation Workshop Task Properties.
- Automation Workshop Triggers and Actions.
Take advantage of the automation benefits, including remote task management, and see how the Task Wizard helps you achieve workflow automation in no time! To review all the features, simply use the quick ยซTWยป shortcut across the entire Automation suite.
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