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General properties tab displays basic information and various statistical data. Depending on Task architecture, fastest and slowest execution times as well as successful and erroneous completion ratio may provide insight on the Task performance.

File location The exact location and file name of the Task file.
Task created Task file creation date and time.
Last time executed Date and time of the most recent Task execution.
Total times run Displays the total number of Task execution as well as the number of successful and failed runs.
Average run time The average amount of time used to finish the Task. It is used in the Queue Manager to display the Estimated time remaining for currently running Tasks. In case of sudden Task slowdowns, the Historical average run time is displayed instead.
Fastest The quickest Task execution time.
Slowest The slowest Task execution time.
Number of Triggers The number of Triggers used in the Task.
Number of Actions The number of Actions used in the Task.
Statistics Clear statistics (for this Task only).
  • Clear all performance stats · Clear all Task performance statistics (including last time executed).
  • Clear only fastest and slowest times · Keep the average execution time while clearing the fastest and slowest performance stats.
  • Clear errors · Clear errors shown in Total times run row.
  • Reset Task creation date · Set Task file creation date and time—Just now; or minute, hour, day, week, or month ago.
  • Never recommend clearing · A recommendation Consider clearing statistics may be shown if there is a large discrepancy between the fastest and average runs.

Click OK to apply changes.


  • Task run time (average, fastest and slowest) statistics calculations are based only on successful Task completions · Task's state explained


Use the Remote Task Properties to overview Task execution dates and performance statistics of remote Tasks.

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