Remote Manager is a tool where you create a computer list that will participate in remote task management. Create a Task on your local computer and then use remote tools to deploy and run it on any number of remote machines · See Remote orchestration highlights
The workstations and servers which participate in the remote task scheduling and automatization can be located on the LAN or internet. Network or remote commands are always encrypted using the industry standard encryption algorithm AES-256.
- Summary · displays the server count and recent activity.
- Connections · Manage · allows you to create new and edit existing connections.
- Status · check the latest statuses (memory, ping, events, etc.) of your remote machines.
- Deploy · upload, run, enable, disable, or delete remote Tasks.
The remote task management tools are created to mimic your familiar local tools. The experience of operating the remote tasks is seamless—streamline automated task management from a single interface.
- Management tools · access all remote management and overview tools.
- Remote operations · quickly access all remote management features.
- Options · adjust and fine-tune Remote Manager settings.
Take advantage of the automation benefits, including remote task management, and see how the Remote Manager helps you achieve workflow automation in no time! To review all the features, simply use the quick ยซRMยป shortcut across the entire Automation suite.
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