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Workshop tab allows specifying software's general functional parameters. Password protect Automation Workshop to exclude non-authorized users from creating, deleting and modifying Tasks. Specify custom temporary folder in which intermediate files will be processed.

Password protect Automation Workshop Only users with password will be granted access to Automation Workshop Manager for Task overview, creation and modification.
Password Enter Automation Workshop Manager password. Password policy requirements: password must be at least 8 characters long. It must have at least one digit and at least one letter. In this context any digit that is categorized as a Unicode decimal digit, and any letter is categorized as a Unicode letter · Securing Automation Workshop
Use non-default Windows TEMP folder User-specified folder will be used for temporary files. If disabled, Windows default temp folder is used.
Check for updates automatically If enabled, Automation Workshop will check Febooti, Ltd. website for updates upon execution with frequency once a day. View update details.
Show Splash screen at startup If enabled, Automation Workshop Splash screen is displayed upon each Automation Workshop Manager execution.
Send anonymous usage data If enabled, Automation Workshop collects non-personally identifiable basic in-application usage data to facilitate future updates. Send anonymous usage data explained.
BrowseBrowse buttonUse Browse to select a particular file or folder on local disk, network share on LAN (local area network), etc.


  • Password policy can be disabled using Windows Registry Editor.

How automation works? A 90-second journey.


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