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During the continuous development of Febooti Automation Workshop, we often review already implemented features and add more options. By enabling the Send anonymous usage data (Tools · Options · Workshop tab) you can help us to understand what kind of program features matters most to You, in order to make them even better.

There is no need to worry about privacy issues with sensitive data. Febooti Automation Workshop collects strictly anonymous information that does not contain any reference to data involved in IT process automation operations. Only very general in-application behavior is reported back to Febooti, Ltd. and can not be used to trace it back to particular user.

Collected data will help us better understand the use of our software and respond with improved future software versions. We respect your right to opt-out should you choose so, and provide an option to easily quit participation in Automation Workshop improvement program.

The art of automation. A 90-second masterclass.

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