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Event icon · error

This Error Event is part of Automation Workshop Service Events.

Event ID · 2508

"Failed to write file"


The error indicates that Automation Workshop Service can not write information into indicated file which is either Task file, Log file, or Variable file. As a consequence either Task, Log, or Variable is not updated or saved.

Event example

See an example of the Failed to write file Event message:

  • Failed to write file "aw-1027.var". Access is denied. [os:5; aw:6,2]


Possible cause for the inability of Automation Workshop to write a file is that the current Windows account or SYSTEM user is not granted permission to write files in the necessary folder, a file is read only, or the disk is full.


Verify if the user account that executes Automation Workshop has necessary privileges to write files in Task (default: C:\ProgramData\Febooti Software\Febooti Automation Workshop\Task Files\), Log folder (default: C:\ProgramData\Febooti Software\Febooti Automation Workshop\Log Files\), or Variables folder (default: C:\ProgramData\Febooti Software\Febooti Automation Workshop\Variables\).

If necessary, login with administrator account to set appropriate permissions. To set permissions, open Security tab in folder C:\ProgramData\Febooti Software\Febooti Automation Workshop\ properties, choose user account on which Automation Workshop is executed and mark necessary checkboxes.

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