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Event icon · error

This Error Event is part of Automation Workshop Service Events.

Event ID · 2504

"Failed to locate Task file"


The error indicates that Automation Workshop Service can not locate Task file. As a consequence the Task is not loaded and executed.


Possible reason for failure of Automation Workshop Service to locate Task file is that it has been deleted or renamed while configuration file still contains information on its existence or old location.

The error may also occur if Task files are located on the disk or folder which is not always accessible, namely, if the disk or folder is not mounted upon Automation Workshop Service startup. Try mounting the disk before Service startup, delay the Service start or restart the Service after mounting the disk.


Verify if the user account that executes Automation Workshop has necessary privileges to write files in Task folder (default: C:\ProgramData\Febooti Software\Febooti Automation Workshop\Task Files\) and configuration file (default: Workshop.config) is not read-only.

If necessary, login with administrator account to set appropriate permissions. To set permissions, open Security tab in folder C:\ProgramData\Febooti Software\Febooti Automation Workshop\Task Files\ properties, choose user account on which Automation Workshop is executed and mark necessary checkboxes.

Go to C:\ProgramData\Febooti Software\Febooti Automation Workshop\Task Files\, open Workshop.config properties and check whether the file has read-only attribute.

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