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Event icon · error

This Error Event is part of Automation Workshop Service Events.

Event ID · 2500

"Failed to complete Task"


The error message is a standard Task level notification which indicates that a particular Task has failed to finish successfully. Error details include name of the Action that failed to perform its operations correctly and exact error message, so that it is possible to track down the cause of particular error.

Task statistics are updated. Task statistics contains information on number of times the Task has been executed, its longest, shortest and average execution times.

The Task can automatically disable itself, send email, or perform other operations upon failed Task execution if told to do so in On Error tab of Task Properties.

Event examples

See some examples of the Failed to complete Task Event messages:

  • Failed to complete Task. Last error: Action "Send Email" error: could not connect to SMTP server.
  • Failed to complete Task. Last error: Action "Zip Archive Information" error: no path specified.

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