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Event icon · error

This Error Event is part of Automation Workshop Service Events.

Event ID · 2420

"Could not start Service Agent"


The error message indicates that Automation Workshop has failed to start Service Agent. The Service Agent serves as a link between Automation Workshop Service and Windows desktop. Each user has its own Service Agent that performs operations with user interface, opens application windows or otherwise interacts with user desktop.

Many types of Tasks can be successfully executed by Automation Workshop Service without invoking Service Agent. The Service Agent is started only when the Task execution implies interactions with user desktop.


The user account has no necessary permissions to start Service Agent.


Verify whether the user account has necessary permissions to start Service Agent or, alternatively, run Automation Workshop tasks from user account that has required permissions.

Upon error occurrence it can be useful to check the Application section of Windows system event log for more information. To open Windows event log, click right mouse button on My Computer, choose Manage, and open Application section of Event Viewer located in System Tools category.

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