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Event icon · error

This Error Event is part of Automation Workshop Service Events.

Event ID · 2401

"Could not load system component"


The error indicates that Automation Workshop has failed to load a system component, rendering it fully or partially inoperative.


Determining the root cause of this type of error is crucial for resolving it effectively. Here are several potential issues that can prevent the Automation Workshop system components from loading properly.

  • The installation folder may be corrupted, and essential files such as some .dll files might be missing. Verify the integrity of the installation folder against a known list of necessary files. If files are missing, simply reinstall Automation Workshop (your workflows will not be removed during the reinstallation process).
  • Occasionally, an aggressive antivirus application can block the loading of necessary components or DLLs. If this is the case, add the Automation Workshop installation folder to the exception list of your antivirus program.
  • Automation Workshop Service might not be running under the SYSTEM user account. This issue can also cause an Event 2271 in the service.log. Verify the user account settings for the Automation Workshop Service under the Services Control Panel.
  • A possible cause is that the system is very low on resources such as memory. As a solution, try to restart the computer or server.

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