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Event icon · warning

This Warning Event is part of Automation Workshop Service Events.

Event ID · 2264

"Unable to process an external Import request"


Automation Workshop offers multiple automation scenarios. When remotely importing (pushing/uploading) a Task from a remote computer, an unexpected condition may occur, for instance, the disk is full and no more files can be written to it.

Event examples

See some examples of the Unable to process an external Import request Event messages:

  • Unable to process an external Import request. Failed to write a Task file. The file exists. [os:80; aw:6]
  • Failed to write a Task file. The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. [os:123; aw:6]
  • Failed to write a Task file. Not enough storage is available to complete this operation. [os:14; aw:6]


The cause of the warning Event 2264 is usually related to inability to write a Task file or configuration file to the filesystem.

Another scenario when the Event 2264 occurs is when two users are trying to push (upload) the same Task from two different computers, or when a local user is creating the same Task while another user is trying to push it from a remote machine.


Make sure that the disk has enough free space and Automation Workshop has proper permissions to write files into the Task folder.

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