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Event icon · error

This Error Event is part of Automation Workshop Manager Events.

Event ID · 1450

"Can not connect to Automation Workshop Service"


The error indicates that Automation Workshop Manager failed to connect to Automation Workshop Service which is the core component of the software. As a consequence Tasks are either not running or not manageable (can not be stopped, updated; Workshop Manager log is not updated).

Possible cause for inability of Automation Workshop Manager to connect to Service is that Service is not running.

Event examples

See some examples of the Can not connect to Automation Workshop Service Event messages:

  • Can not connect to Automation Workshop Service. No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it [os:10061]
  • Can not connect to ad03.local. No such host is known [aw:4]


Open Control Panel, click on Administrative Tools, Services and check whether Automation Workshop Service is on the list and its status is Started.

Alternatively, open Options from Tools in main menu of Automation Workshop. Switch to the Service tab and locate Start and Stop buttons which start and stop Service, respectively.

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