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Event icon · warning

This Warning Event is part of Task Scheduler Events.

Event ID · 11200

"A time change occurred"


The warning message is shown when the Task Scheduler detects the clock change, and time is in the past. It is possible, that Task has already ran in these times, so Task Scheduler will not trigger the Task.


To restore Task Scheduler state to default, and allow triggering again, use the Clear button in the Task General properties and choose Clear all performance stats. Also, see details on Daylight Saving Time transitions.

When you push (upload) a Task to a remote server, and the Task has been run locally on your machine, and both machines (local and remote) are located in different timezones, this warning may appear in the Service.log file. This is expected behavior, however, it is recommended to clear all performance stats from the Task Properties before pushing it to a remote server. Alternatively, you can clear the Tasks stats on the remote server (after Task has been successfully deployed) to preserve your local stats.

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