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Event icon · error

This Error Event is part of Synchronize Folders Events.

Event ID · 78400

"Could not synchronize folders"


The error message indicates that the Synchronize Folders Action failed to synchronize one or more files with the destination location.

Event examples

See some examples of the Could not synchronize folders Event messages:

  • Task "Sync DB" Action "Synchronize Folders" couldn't copy "C:\Invoices\rep25.log" to "\\NAS.local\Share\Backup\rep25.log". The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. [os:32; aw:3]
  • Couldn't copy "C:\Data\prepare.exe" to "D:\Backup\prepare.exe". The file cannot be accessed by the system. [os:1920; aw:3]
  • Couldn't copy "C:\Data\dump.iso" to "D:\Backup\dump.iso". The request was aborted. [os:1235; aw:3]
  • Problem with file "C:\Sync\New\2026\db.sql". The system cannot find the path specified. [os:3; aw:4]
  • Problem with file "C:\tmp\sync-test\Root file.txt". The handle is invalid. [os:6; aw:6]
  • Problem with folder "A:\Folder\". The system cannot find the path specified. [os:3; aw:2]
  • Problem with folder "C:\Users\Public\Documents\My Music\". Access is denied. [os:5; aw:19]
  • Problem with folder "C:\Sync?\*.*". The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. [os:123]


Make sure that the provided source and destination paths are available, and the user credentials specified in the Task Run As settings have access to the provided locations. Note that the SYSTEM user does not have access to network shares by default. Also:

  • Check that the destination folder has enough free disk space.
  • If the failure is caused by network issues, you can use the Action Advanced Fallback Options to define a retry procedure.
  • When syncing a Linux/Unix/BSD/Samba shared network folder with Windows standard file system such as NTFS, ensure that there are no files or folders with the same name with only difference in letter capitalization.

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