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Event icon · error

This Error Event is part of Stop Task Events.

Event ID · 84401

"Stop Task stopped this Task"


The Stopped this task error message is shown if and only if the Stop Task Action stops the Task within which it itself is located and the Stop Task Action is specifically configured to return an error (instead of information message or warning).


Due the fact that this error is produced upon successful stopping, the operations specified in Task's On Error tab will not be performed upon occurrence of this event. However, On Error procedures are performed upon event 84400 where failure to stop the Task is not user requested.

If Optional error message is requested to be shown upon successfully stopping the Task with error, the standard error message is supplemented by it. The Optional error message text can be set in the Options tab of Stop Task Action properties. The examples of possible event error message:

  • Task "Example" Action "Stop Task" stopped this task.
  • Task "Example" Action "Stop Task" stopped (user provided optional error message).

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