This Error Event is part of Delete Remote File Events.
Event ID · 334400
The error indicates that Delete Remote File Action has failed to delete file from specified directory.
Check whether a file with specified name is present in the remote directory.
Event examples
See some examples of the Could not delete file Event messages:
- File or folder "/bucket/S3/A96C6F0E/temp" does not exist.
- Could not delete file. Working on "/home/acc/978E12". No such file or directory. Error message from server: No such file. The system cannot find the file specified. [os:2]
- Working on "/usr/invoices/7080B4DFC.pdf". Could not retrieve file information. The system cannot find the file specified.
- Could not delete file. Working on "/crm/temp.docx". 404 Not Found.
- Could not delete file. Connection is closed or not found.
- Could not delete file. Access denied. Extra Details: RequestId: D33ECF938B477EC6, HostId: wUEA9YAy9Gt165UIr3XH34O+H87li4/vtJcG9E…
- Could not delete file. Command "ls -la -d". Failed with return code 2 and error message. ls: cannot access "/var/invoices/id-89CD.pdf": No such file or directory.
- Task "Digital delete" Action "Delete Remote File" could not delete file. Error deleting file "/space-2025/file.txt". Reduce your request rate.
If Delete Remote File fails with Lost connection. Disconnected from server
error message, check stateful FTP firewall settings for a simple solution.
When request rate limits are exceeded on DigitalOcean Spaces, you usually receive the Reduce your request rate
error. The limits are imposed by DigitalOcean and they start from 750 requests per second for some transactions, while 5 requests per 5 minutes for others.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.