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Event icon · error

This Error Event is part of Create Remote Directory Events.

Event ID · 341400

"Could not create directory"


The error message indicates that Create Remote Directory Action has failed to create a remote folder.


Make sure that provided access credentials have appropriate write permissions to the specified directory. Check if a directory with such a name is not already in specified location.

Event examples

See some examples of the Could not create directory Event messages:

  • Could not create directory. Error: "Server failed to fulfill the request". The system cannot open the file. [os:4]
  • Could not create directory. Error: "Connection is closed or not found".


If Create Remote Directory fails with Lost connection. Disconnected from server error message, check stateful FTP firewall settings for a simple solution.

If your remote server uses IIS, and Task creates and removes directories in quick succession, the error 405 Method Not Allowed may occur. Try using Wait Action, to add 3-5 seconds delay between these Actions.

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