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Specify what files or folder to compress, the archive name and type. Zip Files Action can compress files within a folder (and, optionally, its subfolders) as well as folders themselves.

If a folder is specified in the Files to compress input, Zip Files Action will create an archive that contains the specified folder. If a file mask is specified, Zip Files Action will compress matching files in specified folder and, optionally, its subfolders. An archive file of selected type will be created at specified location.

Besides creating new zip archives, the Zip Files Action also supports adding new files to already existing archive. If an archive with specified name does not exist, Zip Files Action automatically creates a new one. Otherwise, the files are added to already existing archive.

Files to compress Specify either folder or file to compress. If a folder path is specified, the folder will be put into archive with or without its subfolders. If the path and file name (mask) is specified, the matching files will be put in archive (optionally, the matching files from subfolders as well) · Learn file masks and wildcards
  • C:\Data\*.*
  • C:\Invoices\*.xlsx | C:\Invoices\*.docx
  • D:\Invoices\2025\Invoice-000237.pdf
Destination archive Specify the name of archive file into which the compressed files and folders will be stored. If the file already exists in the archive, it will be automatically updated. Only the files in zip archive can be updated. The other archive formats can not be updated, the error message is returned instead.
Archive type Choose the archive file type:
  • Auto detect · determine the archive type by the file extension.
  • Zip · compress files in the most popular zip format.
  • Tar · store files in tar (tape archive) format which is uncompressed.
  • Tar.gz · put files in tar and compress it with gzip.
  • Tar.bz2 · put files in tar and compress it with bzip2.
  • gz · compress files with gzip.
  • bz2 · compress files with bzip2.
BrowseBrowse buttonUse Browse to select a particular file or folder on local disk, network share on LAN (local area network), etc.
Variable WizardVariable Wizard buttonUse dynamic data input—substitute a parameter from a file, web, connected Trigger, other Actions, date and time presets, etc.
YouTube video · Zip files automatically


  • Zip Files integration and auditing—Variables (dynamic data) and Events (recorded activity). Access variables holding the archive filename and a list of files within the archive. Moreover, events related to files being added, archives created or updated, and any issues encountered are also recorded in the log.

Archive handling…

Discover additional Actions for managing and manipulating compressed files and archives from both Windows and Linux operating systems.


  • If new files are being added to already existing archive, it is possible to specify a compression level, encryption type and password that differ from those applied to earlier added files.
  • Gzip and Bzip2 formats can compress only one file and do not store its name. Normally, the archive name is based on the name of the file that is being compressed. Automation Workshop, however, allows creating archive with a name different from the name of compressed file.
  • Zip Files Action automatically detects also .tgz, .tbz and .tb2 archive formats.

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