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Wait for Service Action pauses your automated workflow until the specified condition is reached. It can wait for status changes on Windows services, Kernel drivers, and Windows File System drivers.

ServiceSelect a service to wait for its status changes. Choose it from the list, or type a service name, or use a variable. Kernel and filesystem drivers are also supported:
  • Simple · a list of all installed services, including kernel and filesystem drivers. The list is split into 4 parts and sorted by service display name in the alphabetic order: normal services, "hexadecimal" services, kernel drivers, and file system drivers.
  • Dynamic · provide a service name or display name (usually from a file or dynamic variable).
Service infoShows the current status of a service, for example:
  • The service "MSSQLSERVER" is currently running.
  • The "Cryptographic Service" is currently stopped.

The tooltip displays extended service information in real-time.
Condition Select the desired status to wait for:
  • is not installed
  • is installed
  • is running
  • is not running
  • is paused
  • is not paused
  • is stopped
  • is not stopped
  • is disabled
Variable WizardVariable Wizard buttonUse dynamic data input—substitute a parameter from a file, web, connected Trigger, other Actions, date and time presets, etc.


  • Wait for Service integration and auditing—Variables (dynamic data) and Events (recorded activity). Retrieve the Windows service name. Log information events to indicate the Action is awaiting a service or a timeout has occurred. Record failure events to show errors during the wait for a service or when a timeout ends with a user-defined error condition.

Delay options…

Automation Workshop includes options to pause a workflow and conditionally wait for different resource types. These waiting Actions operate similarly—they pause the workflow until a particular resource reaches a desired state, such as when a file appears or disappears.

More service controls…

Automation Workshop provides a comprehensive set of options to monitor and manage Windows services. These tools allow you to start, stop, pause, and resume services automatically. Additionally, you can retrieve real-time information about one or multiple services, enabling efficient system management and automation.

How seamless automation works? A 90-second demo.

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