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Synchronize Folders Action allows an automated Task to maintain an exact data copy between local folders or network shares, including mapped drives, UNC paths, and more. Files are synced incrementally to save your time and network traffic.

Source folder A local folder or a network share whose contents will be synchronized.
Destination folder A destination folder whose contents will be synchronized.
Mode The mode of data transfer:
  • Push · Synchronize source changes to destination folder · Copies data from a source location to destination. When a file on the source folder differs from a file on the destination location, the file from the source will overwrite the file on the destination.
  • Pull · Synchronize destination changes to source folder · Copies files from the destination to the source folder. When a file on the source differs from a file with the same name on the destination, the file from the destination will overwrite the file on the source location.
  • Two-way · Synchronize changes in both directions · Synchronizes files and subfolders both from source to destination and from destination to source so that both folders are the same. During bi-directional transfer, files with newer modified date will overwrite files with older date.
BrowseBrowse buttonUse Browse to select a particular file or folder on local disk, network share on LAN (local area network), etc.
Variable WizardVariable Wizard buttonUse dynamic data input—substitute a parameter from a file, web, connected Trigger, other Actions, date and time presets, etc.
YouTube video · Watch folder & automatically email files


  • Synchronize Folders integration and auditing—Variables (dynamic data) and Events (recorded activity). Access the variables holding the lists of pushed, pulled, and removed files, as well as the variables containing the number of files in each list. Additionally, the folder synchronization progress is documented in detail, including the overall success or failure of the syncing process.


  • If syncing files with shared folders on Unix/Linux machines, keep in mind that Windows uses case-insensitive paths and filenames while Nix machines—case-sensitive file naming.
  • An audit log with the complete traceability is available using Task logging settings (use Separate log file feature with Log everything option).

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