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Synchronize Directories Action allows user to set up backups and maintaining exact data copies between local folders and remote directories (or multiple machines) by performing automated unidirectional (server to local machine, local machine to server) or bidirectional (synchronizing) data transfers.

Local folder A folder on the local machine whose contents will be synchronized.
Remote directory A directory on a remote server whose contents will be synchronized.
Transfer The direction of data transfer:
  • Upload · Synchronize local changes to remote server · Copies data from a local machine to a remote server. When a file on the local machine differs from a file on the remote server, the file from the local machine will overwrite the file on the remote server.
  • Download · Synchronize remote changes to local computer · Copies data from a remote server to a local machine. When a file on the local machine differs from a file with the same name on the remote server, the file from the remote server will overwrite the file on the local machine.
  • Bidirectional · Synchronize changed files in both directions · Copies data both from a remote server to a local machine and from the local machine to the remote server so that both directories are the same. During bidirectional transfer, files with newer modified date will overwrite files with older date.
Use connectionSelect an existing connection to use for directory synchronization. If there are no defined connections, the new connection window will be opened to establish a connection to FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or DigitalOcean Spaces server.
BrowseBrowse buttonUse Browse to select a particular file or folder on local disk, network share on LAN (local area network), etc.
Variable WizardVariable Wizard buttonUse dynamic data input—substitute a parameter from a file, web, connected Trigger, other Actions, date and time presets, etc.
YouTube video · Synchronize SFTP server files & documents


  • Synchronize Directories integration and auditing—Variables (dynamic data) and Events (recorded activity). Access the lists of downloaded, uploaded, and deleted files, including the file count for each category. A detailed log of directory synchronization progress is maintained, covering any issues with files, subdirectories, and remote server connections.


  • Filenames with characters that are not valid in Windows file systems are automatically encoded using % hexadecimal representation.

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