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Specify Registry value to be set. Registry values with their data are contained in Registry keys. To set the Registry value, it is necessary to specify the Registry key, value name and, optionally, value data. If the specified value already exists in the specified Registry key, the value is changed. If the value does not exist, it is created.

Registry key Specify the Registry key in which the Registry value will be set.
Value name Specify the name of value to be set. If the value name already exists, it will be modified (including data and type). If non-existent, the Registry value will be automatically created. If no value name is specified, the default value will be set.
Value data Specify the data that will be written into specified value name.
Value type Specify the value type that will determine the amount and type of data that can be written into value:
  • DWORD 32-bit · value data can store 32-bit integers
    between 0 and 4,294,967,295.
  • QWORD 64-bit · value data can store a 64-bit integer
    between 0 and 18,446,744,073,709,551,615.
  • Binary · stores any arbitrary data in hexadecimal format
    for example, 0D 41 EA 6C 39 FF 0D 0A.
  • String · stores character sequence.
    for example, any data, any string.
  • Multi-String · stores a list of strings. Items are separated by the enter character (carriage return or new line character).
  • Expandable String · stores string value that can contain environment variables.
  • None · the value data type is not specified.
BrowseBrowse Windows registry buttonUse Registry browser to conveniently locate and select the necessary Windows registry key or value.
Variable WizardVariable Wizard buttonUse dynamic data input—substitute a parameter from a file, web, connected Trigger, other Actions, date and time presets, etc.


  • Set Registry Value integration and auditing—Variables (dynamic data) and Events (recorded activity). Retrieve the Windows Registry key name, value name, value type, and the data that was written. Furthermore, events are logged to indicate whether the Registry value write operation succeeded or failed.


  • In Windows Registry, value data types are represented in the following manner:
    DWORD 32-bit as REG_DWORD; QWORD 64-bit as REG_QWORD; Binary as REG_BINARY; String as REG_SZ; Multi-String as REG_MULTI_SZ; Expandable String as REG_EXPAND_SZ; None as REG_NONE.
  • If %ProgramFiles% and %commonprogramfiles% environmental variables are written into REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ Registry key by 32-bit Automation Workshop, WOW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) uses Registry redirection to automatically replaces them with %ProgramFiles(x86)% and %commonprogramfiles(x86)%, respectively.
  • The difference between running Automation Workshop 32 and 64-bit versions on 64-bit Windows is that some of Windows Registry calls by 32-bit Automation Workshop are transparently redirected to locations under \Wow6432Node, for example:
    …if a Registry call is made to access Registry path:
    …Automation Workshop 32-bit is redirected to location:

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