Forbid Set File Attributes Action to process files that match initial attribute set pattern by configuring file exclusion filter. Exclusion filter works in the same way as file attribute set, but with opposite effect—it excludes the files whose attributes would be set otherwise by narrowing the initial attribute set range.
Exclude | Details |
Exclude files | Specify either file name & mask or provide data from Variable Wizard to exclude matching files from attribute set. Multiple inputs must be separated by | vertical bar character · Learn file masks and wildcards
Exclude folders | Provide the folders and subfolders which must be excluded from the attribute modification process. You may include partial paths to exclude specific items. This Action accepts folder masks and wildcards. Separate multiple exclusions with the vertical bar | character · Learn folder masks and wildcards
Date after… | Files will be excluded on basis of their age (when it is more recent than specified). Both date & time of file and its age in seconds, minutes, hours or days can be specified. |
Date before… | Files will be excluded on basis of their age (when it is older than specified). Both date & time of file and its age in seconds, minutes, hours or days can be specified. |
File date to use | Choose which file timestamp will be matched when applying exclusion filter. Creation date specifies when file was first created, Last modified date—last time file was changed, Last accessed date—last time file was read. |
Interactive preview | Shows interactive preview of the advanced date filter. It automatically excludes files of different types—new or old, recently modified, lately used, etc. |
Time units | |
Variable Wizard |
- Exclude mask filter is applied to long file name, while both long and short file (8.3) names are present in file system.
- The Set File Attributes exclude feature may display slightly different messages based on user's selected date ranges and types (exact or dynamic), and selected File date to use option—Creation date, Last modified date, or Last accessed date:
- Do not set attributes to files that are modified in last…
- Do not set attributes to files that are modified after…
- Do not set attributes to files that are modified before last…
- Do not set attributes to files that are accessed before…
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