Send Email—specify most essential options for email sending, such as sender's name and address, single or multiple recipients, subject field, fixed or variable specific email text as well as single or multiple attachments. You can either provide fixed values for every input field or use Variable Wizard to flexibly configure variable specific email sending.
Details | |
From | Specify sender's email address with or without name. List of supported syntax for specifying sender's and recipient's name:
To | Provide single or multiple email recipients (semicolon or comma-separated list):
Subject | Provide an email subject that specifies a brief summary of the message topic in a single line. |
Email text | Provide email text. Depending on whether message is in plain text, HTML or EML, appropriate message format should be selected in Options tab. |
Attachments | Specify email attachments by entering full or relative path and file name. Supports file masks and wildcards. After email is sent, easily retrieve emailing details. |
Browse | |
Variable Wizard |

- Send Email integration and auditing—Variables (dynamic data) and Events (recorded activity). Retrieve the TO (sender) and FROM (recipient) email addresses, the email subject, and the attachment filenames (along with their complete paths). Additionally, detailed events of successful and failed email transmissions are recorded in the logs.
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