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Select appropriate method of Automation Workshop Send Email Action and SMTP server communication logging; decide whether email will saved to .EML file instead of sending it over Internet and specify alternate email message text for HTML incapable browsers.

Enable client and SMTP server communication logging If checkbox is marked, communications between Send Email Action and SMTP server will be written to specified file.
Log file Provide name and location of log file for saving Send Email Action / SMTP server communication session. Note that log file is overwritten upon each Action execution.
Log level Choose between logging most essential communication information and logging all communication details:
  • Log general information of client and server communication · logs most relevant information on communication session with SMTP server.
  • Log full client and server communication details · logs every detail of communication session between Send Email Action and SMTP server.
Save email to .EML file instead of sending Mark checkbox to save email in .EML file instead of sending it over Internet.
EML file Provide name and location of .EML file which will be created each time email sending is attempted.
Specify alternate message text for HTML incapable clients Most, yet not all, email clients support HTML email messages. If it is not the case, client will show alternate text instead of HTML message. Mark checkbox to input alternate text in Alternate text field.
Alternate text Provide alternate text that will be displayed instead of HTML message in HTML incapable clients.
BrowseBrowse buttonUse Browse to select a particular file or folder on local disk, network share on LAN (local area network), etc.
Variable WizardVariable Wizard buttonUse dynamic data input—substitute a parameter from a file, web, connected Trigger, other Actions, date and time presets, etc.

Explain .eml

An .eml file is basically a MIME email message saved to disk. The .eml format conforms to the internet standards RFC-2822, RFC-2045, RFC-2076, and more. A wide variety of services are accepting such email messages, i.e., Google API, Microsoft Graph API, and a lot more.

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