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Play System Sound

Automation Workshop includes the Play System Sound Action that plays an audio file from the Windows sound scheme. Settings can be accessed in the Sound settings in the Control Panel. This Action always plays a specified sound from the current scheme.

When the Windows sound scheme is modified or changed entirely, it automatically plays the new system sounds.

Features & highlights

  • Plays an audio file from the Windows sound scheme.
  • Can draw the attention of a user that an intervention is necessary.
  • Can play system sounds the in background.
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Usage examples

  • Use the Play System Sound Action before Actions that require user interaction.
  • Draw user attention upon some Action experiencing an error.
  • Play system sound when all other Actions within Task have successfully finished.


  • Sound · Choose a sound from the Windows sound scheme to be played.
  • Options · Set whether to wait until playback is finished or to play it in the background.


  • Play System Sound integration—Variables (manipulate data dynamically within a workflow) and Events (recorded entries that detail the activity within the system).
  • Effortlessly streamline your automation processes by visually connecting your workflow using Variable Wizard—a powerful tool to access all 1,000+ variables—system, network, Triggers, Actions, globals, web, and much more…

Quick access

To streamline your workflow creation, you can locate the Play System Sound Action throughout the entire Automation suite's search tools—including the knowledge base, menu, and Add Action feature—using the quick ยซPSSยป shortcut.

Media features…

Explore a set of Actions designed to handle audio files, system sounds, and speech within automated workflows.


Automation Workshop includes many more awesome Triggers and numerous Actions to aid you to automate any repetitive computer or business task by providing state-of-the-art GUI tools.

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The art of automation. A 90-second journey.

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