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If File Action checks if specified file exists on disk or not and conditionally executes one group of Actions or another according to its settings. If File Action can be set to run other Actions if the specified file matches criteria, namely, the file exists or, on the contrary, does not exist.

With Else Action user can specify a group of Actions that is run if criteria do not match.

If file Provide a fixed value or variable to specify the file whose status will be verified. Wildcards and file masks are supported.
Compare Choose which file status will lead to conditional execution of nested Actions:
  • Exists · runs if a specified file exists.
  • Exists and is accessible · runs if a file exists and is accessible.
  • Exists and is not accessible · runs if a file exists, but is not accessible.
  • Does not exist · runs if a file does not exist.

When using wildcards * and ?, the Action checks and returns the first file that matches the file mask and selected condition:
  • Exists · runs if any file exists.
  • Exists and is accessible · runs if any file exists and is accessible.
  • Exists and is not accessible · runs if any file exists, but is not fully written to the disk.
  • Does not exist · runs if none of the files exists.
BrowseBrowse buttonUse Browse to select a particular file or folder on local disk, network share on LAN (local area network), etc.
Variable WizardVariable Wizard buttonUse dynamic data input—substitute a parameter from a file, web, connected Trigger, other Actions, date and time presets, etc.
YouTube video · Conditional branches using If File…Else logic


  • If File integration and auditing—Variables (dynamic data) and Events (recorded activity). Access the filename and condition, and whether the condition was met. Additionally, information events indicating the current state of the file are logged.

More comparisons…

Automation Workshop offers specialized Actions tailored to various resources. Each of them features an intuitive interface designed for a specific resource type. Explore more comparison options:

File comparison Actions allow you to verify the existence or absence of files and check if a file is currently being written to or used by other applications. Folder and directory comparison Actions enable you to verify the existence or absence of local folders and remote directories, as well as check if they are empty, not empty, or does not contain files.

Branching alternatives…

While If–then logic is the most widely used approach to split a Task into two execution paths, there are additional methods to branch an automated workflow · Action flow explained

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