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Provide text data or specify a text file content to parse item by item. Choose the list separator that delimits the elements. The loop traverse all the content one by one until the end of text data are reached. In every loop cycle one element is returned and can be processed by Actions within the loop.

Text data Provide a text data to be parsed.
Separator Choose list separator that delimits elements:
  • Whitespace · treats tab and space characters as delimiters
  • Tab
  • Line break · treats various line break characters as delimiters
  • , (Comma)
  • ; (Semicolon)
  • | (Pipe)
  • | (Pipe or Line break) · separate text with vertical pipe | or new line character, whichever comes first.
  • Custom · use any character or combination of characters as a delimiter. Supports Unicode.
Variable WizardVariable Wizard buttonUse dynamic data input—substitute a parameter from a file, web, connected Trigger, other Actions, date and time presets, etc.
YouTube video · Auto-capture enclosed text


  • For Each integration and auditing—Variables (dynamic data) and Events (recorded activity). Access all For Each Action data, including the current, next, and previous item, along with the current index in the list, the total number of items, and the list separator. Additionally, details of the current iteration and any issues preventing iteration are displayed in the Log Pane.

How seamless automation works? A 90-second demo.

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