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For Each

Automation Workshop includes the For Each Action that allows to parse a text file or text string and retrieve its elements one by one. These elements can be both lines (separated by line break character) or other items separated by delimiters such as comma, semicolon, pipe, tab or any other custom character.

The For Each is a good fit for reading and parsing CSV files. Retrieved lines or items can be individually used as parameters or conditions for other Actions in the loop. The Action can ignore empty items or items that start with a specified character.

Features & highlights

  • Read a CSV file row by row, skipping the header with the If Action, and split each CSV row with the Split Text Action into tokens.
  • Iterate over all lines in a file, and process multi-line records using the if–else logic without writing any code or scripts.
  • Read a text file line by line and do some operations for each line, or even further split each line that is delimited by a separator.
  • Parse a text string or text file and process each element separately.
  • Retrieve data from a text file line by line.
  • Parse any other data string and specify any list separator.
  • Skip a number of first few lines or items that begin with a particular character or comment prefix.
YouTube video · Auto-capture enclosed text


  • Loop · Enter the text data to be parsed (file content, csv file, etc.).
  • Options · Choose elements to skip or ignore while parsing text data.


  • For Each integration—Variables (manipulate data dynamically within a workflow) and Events (recorded entries that detail the activity within the system).
  • Effortlessly streamline your automation processes by visually connecting your workflow using Variable Wizard—a powerful tool to access all 1,000+ variables—system, network, Triggers, Actions, globals, web, and much more…

Quick access

To streamline your workflow creation, you can locate the For Each Action throughout the entire Automation suite's search tools—including the knowledge base, menu, and Add Action feature—using quick shortcuts like «FE», «FR», or «ECH».



Automation Workshop includes many more awesome Triggers and numerous Actions to aid you to automate any repetitive computer or business task by providing state-of-the-art GUI tools.

Automated Trigger · File & Folder Watcher
File & Folder Watcher
Automate Action · Compare

Automation unveiled. A 90-second journey.

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