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Options tab of Find Text Action allows to choose whether the text search will be case sensitive, enable the use of regular expressions (regex) and limit the maximum number of returned matches.

Ignore case When enabled, upper and lower case text will be treated as equivalent. When disabled, search will treat upper and lower case characters as distinct.
Use regular expressions Allows using regular expression search patterns.
Smart (capture groups) extraction Extract parts of text from structured data using regex syntax.
Limit search to the maximum number of occurrences The search will end when Find Text Action will return the specified number of matches.
Also, store result inThe result of the search operation is already accessible via the Variable Wizard. Optionally, choose an existing variable to store the result. To create an empty variable, use the Set Variable Action.
This Action is enabledAn Action is executed only if it is enabled. Otherwise, it will be automatically skipped (completely ignored) from the Task flow.
Use custom display nameRename this Action, to make a human-readable workflow that will help you to find, read, and make sense of the Task structure later.
Advanced fallback optionsManage the advanced fallback options—select which error types will lead to automatic execution of predefined workaround operations.
Log only errorsDo not log information and warning messages for this Action. It may be useful to keep the log file small and tidy on production systems.

Regex & smart capture

Instantly locate and extract one or multiple text matches using Regular Expressions. Access the Found item list using Variable Wizard.

Regex Example
Text string <name>John</name><year>1976</year>
Find what <name>(.*?)</name><year>(.*?)</year>
Result John | 1976
Regex Example
Text string <n>John</n><y>1976</y><n>Doe</n><y>2025</y>
Find what <n>(.*?)</n><y>(.*?)</y>
Result John | 1976 || Doe | 2025


  • See details on regular expression usage for more information on regex compare functions.

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