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Execute Script & VBScript

Automation Workshop includes Execute Script Action which, besides supporting other scripting formats, can execute VBScript scripts automatically. The VBScript examples are aimed at giving the user a rather general idea how to integrate custom scripts into automated Tasks.

The data communication with other scripts is based on screen output. The screen output of the script can be retrieved by using Variable Wizard from subsequent Execute Script Action. It is possible to retrieve either full screen output or any of the first six output lines separately.

VBScript #1

Option Explicit
Dim text
text="Hello world!"

VBScript #2

Option Explicit
Dim myNum, myOut

If myNum < 5 Then
   ' This will execute. 7 is larger than 5
   WScript.Echo("Number is less than 5")
End If

myOut=myNum & myNum
WScript.Echo(myOut) ' Output: 77

myOut=myNum + myNum
WScript.Echo(myOut) ' Output: 14
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