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Optimize your download process with comprehensive exclusion filters for both files and directories. This versatile functionality enables you to define which items should be omitted when retrieving data.

You can exclude individual files based on their names or types, and skip entire folders or nested directory structures. By leveraging wildcard patterns and multiple filter entries, you can craft a specific set of exclusion rules that matches your requirements.

This ensures that you download only the necessary content, conserving storage space and reducing transfer time while maintaining the desired file and directory structure.

Exclude files Refine your download process by specifying files to exclude. Enter exact filenames or employ wildcard patterns for versatile matching. The asterisk * symbol matches any number of characters, while the question mark ? substitutes a single character.

To exclude various file types or patterns, use the vertical bar | as a delimiter · Learn file masks and wildcards
  • *.zip
  • dir/*.rar
  • *.tmp | *.log
  • 2024-??-??.pdf | ??-??-2024.pdf
Exclude directories Exclude particular directories or skip multiple folders, utilizing wildcard patterns. The asterisk * matches any sequence of characters in a directory name, whereas the question mark ? represents just one character.

To specify multiple directory exclusions, separate them with the pipe | symbol. This filter also supports excluding paths with multiple levels, allowing you to precisely control which folders are omitted from your download · Learn folder masks and wildcards
  • folder
  • data/old | data/*/drafts
  • archive-2024-?? | archive-2025-??
Variable WizardVariable Wizard buttonUse dynamic data input—substitute a parameter from a file, web, connected Trigger, other Actions, date and time presets, etc.


  • All filenames, directory names, and wildcard patterns are treated as case-insensitive.
  • Exclude filters take precedence over include filters. If a file or directory matches both an include and an exclude pattern, it will be excluded from the operation.

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