Specify files to be deleted upon executing the Action. File input line supports path, filename and file mask as well as variables that can be used either separately or in various combinations. Multiple inputs must be separated by |
vertical bar character.
Note that Delete File Action causes irreversible file removal. Proceed with caution when configuring file deletion criteria such as path, file names, etc.
File | Details |
File | Specify the files to delete. Available options include providing full path and filename or file mask. If path is not specified, Action is performed in current folder · Learn file masks and wildcards |
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Variable Wizard |

- Delete File integration and auditing—Variables (dynamic data) and Events (recorded activity). Retrieve the variables with the last deleted filename, along with the list of files and their count if multiple files were deleted. Information events detailing specific files deleted are recorded, including any failures in file removal.
- Automation Workshop supports Unicode file names, and path up to 32,000 characters, providing a necessary capacity when performing automated file deleting.
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